Dr. Dianna has retired from practice, but continues to own and manage the clinic.
Dr. Dianna Martens has been practicing since 1992 in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Dr. Martens opened Care Chiropractic Clinic in January 1997 with the vision of having a multi-disciplinary clinic that would allow patients to access all forms of alternative care in one place.
- Doctorate of Chiropractic – Palmer College of Chiropractic West
- Undergraduate studies at Red Deer College
- Graston Technique Module I & II certification
- Cranial Adjusting Turner Style (C.A.T.S.) certification
- Erchonia Laser certificaton – Advanced Protocols
- Torque Technique
- Pediatric Adjusting
- Various seminars including extremity adjusting, chiropractic neurology, etc.
- Alberta College of Chiropractors (ACAC) since 1992
Memberships and Associations:
- Vice President of the Central Alberta Chiropractic Association
- ACAC Peer Review Board
- Chair on the Scholarship and Awards Committee for the ACAC